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UAS Operation and Assistance

ESAC Engineering & Aerospace is an LBA authorized UAS-Operator.

Your single point of contact to get started in the World of Drone Operation

We offer Aerial Photographic Services for following applications:

  • Infrastructure Inspections (for example: powerplants, wind generators, roofs and roof-structures)
  • Deadwood inspections on trees and in forests
  • Forest and Farmland condition monitoring
  • Landscape Photography

And many more applications

As a result we provide an extensive digital photobook in engineering-report format with high quality pictures. This resource enables efficient early detection of anomalies which might require action at a certain point.

If you plan to start UAS-Operation either in “Open”, “Specific” or even “Certified” category we can assist you to establish the required organizational prerequisites. For the “Specific” and “Certified” category we can arrange to set up the required company manuals including “Specific Operational Risk Assessment (SORA)” as required by EASA Regulation 2019/947. The Processes and Procedures will be in compliance with Part B (UAS.SPEC.) or Part C (UAS.LUC.) of the applicable regulation.

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